Welcome to Bread of Life Orphanage

    ” We are happy that you have found our website.  We welcome your questions and comments and look forward to hearing from you.

  • Who we are.

    Bread of Life is a non-profit, Christian organization. We consider it to be our privilege and our obligation to help the orphans, the widows, the unborn, the homeless children and needy families.

  • What we do.

    Over the years, we have started many projects throughout Romania. Some were temporary projects to help victims of floods, massive blizzards, or economic problems affecting the stability of impoverished families. Most long term projects are included in the following:
    Bread of Life Orphanage
    Feeding Centers
  • What you can do.

    Here are a few ideas and suggestions for you to consider.
    • Signup for our newsletter.
    • Recommend us on social networks.
    • Most of all…pray for us daily.
  • Donate

    We need your help!
    Your donation goes directly to our projects. Donate now!

Bread Of Life Orphanage Children

In 2001 we purchased a three-story building in the town of Brosteni, Romania. With hard work and God’s blessing, we managed to renovate the building and open the orphanage in 2003. For the past nine years, the Bread of Life Orphanage has been the shelter and home for over 200 children. Some of the children are older now and have moved out from the orphanage and established stable families. Others have pursued academic careers and will soon complete their studies. Most of the children are still young and need our Christian guidance to prepare them for a secure future. Read more

Your help is important for us!

Even though it sounds like we are a large organization with an active staff and a large budget, we confess the only thing ‘big’ about us is God’s blessing and intervention. Realistically, we have a handful of workers and volunteers who have dedicated hearts. We also depend on daily miracles from God that help us feed the children and pay the bills. It is our desire and our prayer to unite our hearts and efforts with our ministry friends to continue and expand God’s work.

  • Our projects

    Since the beginning of 2010, we have advanced our outreach into many poor villages in Romania. At these locations local authorities were struggling to assist the poor children. Usually their efforts came short and many children were undernourished and sick. Through our Feeding Center program, we now have outreaches in 51 locations to feed the poor children in their areas every day. This program also includes the leper village near the Danube River. With God’s blessings upon us, we have been able to feed many thousands of children in Romania during the recent years. The need is still great, but we pray and plan to expand to feed 3,000 children daily.
    At one time, almost a century ago, Romania was called the breadbasket of Europe. The fertile soil is still the best crop land in Europe. We desired to use this blessing and work the land in order to provide food for our orphanage and Feeding Centers. Over the past five years, we have managed to grow potatoes, corn, sunflowers, and other vegetables. Out of our yearly harvest, we cover the expenses and have enough left over to use or barter for food items to sustain our projects. We are now a testimony to our neighbors as they see God’s blessing over our crops. We do not have the best farming equipment nor the most qualified workers, but our crops match and exceed all surrounding farms at harvest time.

Have you ever considered being a volunteer for a Romanian Orphan Ministry? If you have not, maybe now is a good time to ask yourself…"Is God leading you to devote a small portion of your time to share His love with the orphans, street children, and impoverished families of Romania?” Please read the following comments and open your heart to the possibility.